What is 120 as a percent?

Converting integers to percents is an essential skill. In the world of math, we often switch between integers and percentages. Understanding 120 as a percentage helps us understand these two realms. Let's dive deep into this conversion and the process.

You can select other values to familiarize yourself with the conversion guide.

Often, convert 110 to a percent or 125 to a percent, depending on the task.

Conversion formula (equation):

120 = 120 × 100 = 12000%


120 = 12000%

What is a whole number?

A whole is a number without fractions or decimals. It's a value that represents complete units. Starting from zero, whole numbers include 0, 1, 2, 3…, and so on.

What is a percent?

Percentages depict parts of a hundred. Symbolized by “%”, they convey proportions. 50% means half, while values can exceed, like 200%, indicating double the original.

For whole numbers:

Understanding percentages is crucial in many real-world scenarios. A percentage represents a fraction of 100. The term itself derives from the Latin “per centum,” meaning “by the hundred.” When we discuss percentages, we're essentially discussing parts of a whole, where the whole is 100.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Define Your Base Value: To begin, we start with the number we want to convert. In this case, that number is 120.
  2. Understand the Concept: Percentages are relative to 100. When we say something is “100%,” we mean it's the whole or complete amount. Any value can be expressed as a percentage by determining how it relates to 100.
  3. Perform the calculation: To convert a whole number to a percentage, multiply it by 100. Using our number: 120 × 100 = 12000%.
  4. Add the Percentage Symbol: After doing the math, append the percentage symbol (%) to your result. This gives us: 12000%.


The whole number 120, when expressed as a percentage, is 12000%. The process involves multiplying the number by 100 and then adding the % symbol to the result. This approach helps in various contexts where percentage representation is required.